How to explore on-campus employment opportunities

Everything about working part-time as a student, benefits of having an on-campus job, best on-campus jobs to consider, and tips for finding them.
Looking for jobs at your school? Then you’ve come to the right place!
From common student jobs, to fun places to work for college students, read on to find an opportunity that suits your interests and needs.
Working part-time as a student
Working part-time in college is a great way to make some money, as well as meet friends and grow your network. And because you need a break from studying 24/7, it can bring a nice balance between lectures and assessments.
How many college students have jobs?
Working part-time is quite common. A Georgetown University report found that 70% of full-time college students are working, however, the number of students working full-time has dropped over the years.
Students who don’t opt for student loans, and don’t qualify for [scholarships] or financial aid, often work a full-time job or part-time jobs to earn enough to pay for tuition and books, living expenses, or gain extra income to enjoy the social activities that come with college life.
It’s important to find the right balance in the number of hours you work per week, so that you don’t burn yourself out. While earning extra cash through a part-time student job is never a bad thing, remember that your priority is to get your degree.
For masters students, you may want to consider a part-time job that is related to your field of study so that you can gain experience that connects to your long-term career goals.
There are a few types of jobs available for college students, including on-campus jobs, off-campus jobs, and work-study jobs.
In the US, work-study jobs are part-time jobs for financial-need students to help pay for their tuition and living expenses. Work-study encourages community service work and work related to the student’s field of study.
It’s important to apply for work-study early as funds for these are usually limited. Your work-study depends on when you apply, your level of financial need, and your school’s funding level. Full-time or part-time students can apply for work-study opportunities through their school's financial aid office, and these jobs may be on-campus or off-campus.
Benefits of having an on-campus job
On-campus jobs include being a teaching or research assistant, library jobs for college students, or working in your school’s dorm dining facilities, labs, or admin offices. It also includes employment with companies situated at your school that provide services for students, such as shops or restaurants located in the University.
Both off-campus and on-campus jobs come with pros and cons. Knowing which types of jobs for college students will be best really depends on what’s convenient and most-rewarding for you.
Pros and cons of off-campus and on-campus jobs
Networking opportunities with students and faculty
More involvement in the campus community and better-acquainted with university staff and students
No need to commute to the job from classes which saves time and money
Most on-campus jobs provide cash compensation or tuition cover
Some on-campus jobs provide free room and board, such as dormitory assistance jobs
By working on campus, you can earn money while enjoying campus activities and events all in the same place
College campus jobs do not pay as much as off-campus jobs
There are fewer on-campus job opportunities to choose from
Off-Campus jobs
Expect a higher salary than on-campus student jobs
More jobs to choose from and many companies that hire college students part time, including those in industries related to studies
There are less restrictive rules than working on campus, where students will have to follow campus rules even while working
Spend more time travelling to work and less time on studying
Commuting to work can become costly
A bonus with on-campus jobs is that it comes with a little more flexibility and convenience that goes a long way to ensure you can prioritise studying and making the most of campus life.
If you’re looking for the best college student jobs that pay well, then you’re probably not going to choose an on-campus job. But that doesn’t mean that on-campus jobs don’t earn you a significant amount of cash to cover your expenses, plus save aside to enjoy campus life.
So exactly how much do on-campus jobs pay?
According to educational services platform Edvoy, in the US, the minimum wage for on-campus jobs is currently $7.25 per hour. Each state sets its own wage laws, and the minimum wage can be as high as $15 per hour in some states, and low as $7.25 in others. So a study location does impact how much a college student makes while working part-time.
Relevant work experience also determines what you can expect to earn, with more highly-skilled jobs paying around $10 per hour. Envoy says that on-campus jobs tend to pay in line with or more than the minimum wage.
International students can study and work in the US, but there are some F-1 student visa limitations to remember. International students can work on campus for a maximum of 20 hours a week while classes commence, and 40 hours a week during holidays.
Best on-campus student jobs to consider
What are the top 10 jobs for college students? Envoy shared it’s list of the 10 highest paying part-time jobs for international students in the USA. And if you’re wondering if Starbucks is a good job for college students, then check out number 2 on this list!
Campus ambassador
Teaching assistant
Library assistant
Research study assistant
Department assistant
Food runner or catering assistant
Sales assistant
Tutor or peer mentor
Here are more on-campus jobs that can be quite exciting for international students:
Tour guide
Resident assistant
Campus newspaper editor
Admissions assistant
Mailroom attendant
Bookstore associate
Fitness center attendant
IT assistant
Museum or gallery assistant
Campus marketing assistant
Campus radio DJ, and more.
Tips for finding an on-campus job
Finding the best on-campus jobs might be easier than you think!
Here’s how to get a job on campus:
Keep checking the bulletin board. The best place to find on-campus jobs is on the notice boards around your school. Be on the lookout for boards in school hallways about job opportunities available in your department.
Contact your school's career services. Apart from helping you find employment for the holidays or internships, your school career services can help you find a part-time on-campus job too.
Talk to students. Make new friends and network to find your next job. Find out about jobs your friends and peers have worked, how you can apply for similar roles, and what you need to get started. Get advice on the highest paying jobs on campus, as well as what might be good for you while you attend classes.
Join student organisations. Join organisations that interest you and network with students and faculty that could help you find a job that you enjoy and related to your field of study.
With the flexibility, convenience and networking opportunities that come with on-campus jobs, it’s certainly worth pursuing. So start your research to find college campus jobs as soon as you finalise your study abroad plans. And if you think that your on-campus job wouldn’t earn you enough to cover your study fees, we’re here to help!
Remember that you’ll also have post-grad employment opportunities, and if you’re in the US there are many companies that can sponsor your H-1B visa.
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