Current UK visa regulations for pursuing an MBA in the UK

Going to UK for MBA? Congratulations! Here are some UK visa facts that you should know before you start applying
If you’ve shortlisted top universities in the UK for MBA programmes , you’ve likely heard a lot of chatter about staying to pursue job opportunities in the UK after MBA graduation.
And, you may even have a few concerns about getting into the country as an MBA candidate in the first place.
It’s not as tenuous as you might think, but you do need to be aware of a few things before you study an MBA in the UK.
UK visa restrictions don’t hamper serious MBA candidates
A few years back, MBA graduates from UK universities were given up to two years in the country after their studies.
During this time, they could work and live more or less as they pleased. And getting a UK study visa in the first place was straightforward, even if it was a paperwork-laden process.
These changes (which were reflected in the issuance of visas) have no effect on visa issuance to candidates admitted to best MBA programs in the UK.
MBA in UK for international students
The UK government’s aim isn’t to cut down on top international students from entering high-level schools for MBA in the UK. After all, international students are essential to UK innovation.
However, as about 50% of MBA candidates choose schools based on where they would like to work or job opportunities in the UK after MBA graduation, there is something you need to know. Unless you hold an European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss passport, you no longer have two years to secure jobs after MBA in the UK; you have six months.
Top UK employers are aware of these restrictions³ and appear to be doing their best to ensure they make offers quickly. But, you still need to keep this in mind if you hope to remain in the country after UK graduation.
Brexit update
The UK and EU have provisionally agreed that any transition deal will allow EU/EEA/Swiss students to study in the UK until 30th December 2021. Students from outside this region are unaffected by these regulations, though others may apply.
MBA in UK visa tiers – what candidates need to know
There are a few different UK visa tiers that will apply to international candidates who pursue MBA study in the UK, both during and after their studies.
If you hold an EEA or Swiss passport, you will need to apply for a UK residence card (and that will necessitate liaising with your MBA admissions office).
These MBA in UK visa tiers apply to international students outside of the UK, EEA or Switzerland:
Tier 4 MBA in UK Study Visa
This is the UK study visa you'll need for your course. You'll need to apply for this MBA visa with the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) letter supplied by your university⁴.
You must also prove you have access to tuition to cover the cost of MBA in the UK, plus the set maintenance fee of £11,385, plus the £150 health care fee. If you have a Prodigy Finance loan, you can use it as proof of funds towards your visa.
The Tier 4 UK Study Visa allows you to work part-time during your studies, full time during non-study periods and your eligible dependents can work and attend school if travelling with you.
Tier 2 MBA in UK Work Visa
This is the UK visa that enables you to stay in the UK for up to six months following your graduation.
As a recent graduate from a UK university on a Tier 4 visa, you won't need to prove that your skill set doesn't compete with UK nationals or those from the EEA or Switzerland. Nor do you fall into a quota, competing with other recent grads.
Within this time, however, you will need to accept an offer from a UK company in order to remain in the country.
Tier 1 MBA in UK Graduate Entrepreneur Visa
If you have graduated from study in the UK on a Tier 4 visa, you may be eligible for a Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa; this is for anyone hoping to create their own companies headquartered in the UK.
It enables you to remain in the country while starting your business and will require that you jump through a couple of hoops to do it.
Most programmes for MBA in the UK offer some assistance to their grads, though they may be selective as to whom they assist.
It’s important to remember that every admissions office will have different procedures, and you may have to provide additional documentation based on your country of origin when applying for a study visa for your MBA in the UK. It’s imperative that you get in touch with your university early to make the process as painless as possible.
Job opportunities for graduates who study MBA in the uk
To secure a Tier 2 UK visa, the sponsoring company currently needs to prove that there is no one in the UK or EU able to fill the position, or that you’re a recent graduate from a UK university - and you’ll need to be paid a minimum of £30,000 annually⁵.
The sponsoring company must also hold a license to sponsor Tier 2 UK visa employees⁶.
Motivated MBA graduates are usually able to fill these requirements with licensed companies so long as they begin their search for jobs in the UK after their MBA early enough in the year with a decent MBA salary in the UK per month to add up to the annual requirement.
The career services department at all reputable MBA colleges in London and UK business schools is the first and best resource international MBA students have. But the onus remains on the candidate (not the school) to reach out to this department, communicate their post-MBA job desires and pursue opportunities. It’s in the school’s best interest for all their students to be gainfully employed (or starting their own successful companies), but it’s not their responsibility.
Currently, there is a cap on the number of Tier 2 skilled-worker visas which is one reason to hustle to find job opportunities in the UK after MBA. But, this may soon change. The immigration white paper released on 18 December 2018 proposes scrapping these limits⁷. However, Brexit also means that EU graduates will likely be joining the Tier 2 pool.
When these new regulations come into play and what will change depends somewhat on the final Brexit deal. With possible deal extensions on the table and growing calls for a new referendum, it’s tough to gauge future visa and job opportunities for a one year MBA in London. But, even under the currently strict regulations, talented MBA grads seeking employment in the UK have typically been able to secure it.
Note: This article was updated on Saturday 30th May 2020