Mentor Principles

We're committed to providing the necessary support you need to carry out online activities. We hope you’ll volunteer with us for at least a year so that you and prospective students can gain the most from this experience. Remember, you should not agree to participate in any Mentor activities where doing so would impact your studies. We’re hoping that this experience will be beneficial to you as much as it will be for our student community and brand, so there are a few guiding principles and rules that you’ll need to take into consideration before engaging in community activities as a mentor.

1. Role of a Mentor

1.1. When a student reaches out to you and asks a question on the Community App, we expect you to provide a relevant answer to students’ questions within 48 hours in an empathetic, kind and patient manner. If you cannot respond in time, please inform us and we will redirect the question to another available mentor.

1.2. We expect you to perform your role to the best of your ability and to follow our procedures and standards, including our social media guidelines, legal guidelines, and comply with the Bribery Act 2010 (or equivalent legislation in the country you live in).

1.3. Content contributions: Prodigy Finance reserves the right to retain editorial control and publishing rights over all content materials submitted to us by Mentors. To submit content to us for review, please email us at

1.4. We may ask you to remove or edit social media or other online posts if they do not meet our guidelines or if we have concerns that they could be detrimental in some way to us or the Mentor community more generally.

1.5. Social media and online communication guidelines include:

1.5.1. Provide honest information about your study abroad experience, including your experience with service from Prodigy Finance, but do not discuss any specific loan terms with students, including your own personal loan information.

1.5.2. Do not promote Prodigy Finance loans - only post information that directly answers students’ questions or information that will benefit the intended audience. Provide links only when absolutely necessary, without directly requiring students to click through to the provided links.

1.5.3. Do not direct students straight to Prodigy Finance. You can redirect students to us if they have contacted you via the Community App, Prodigy Finance hosted events or Prodigy Finance social media channels, such as when they have personal questions about their loan.

1.5.4. Do not show favouritism such as “Prodigy Finance is a better loan provider than X”.

1.3.5. Posts on your social media feeds (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and your answers on Quora), must not be discriminatory. Prodigy Finance has zero- tolerance of racism and any form of discrimination.

1.5.6. Do not share personal information about any students, customers or yourself on personal or public chats through any social media channels or the Community App.

1.5.7. Only post and/or share approved marketing materials (created by Prodigy Finance) online. Do not create your own Prodigy Finance marketing materials.

1.5.8. Do not state that you are an employee of Prodigy Finance on your social media or other public profiles or on your resume/CV.

2. Onboarding,Updates and Navigating the Community App

2.1. We’ll provide an onboarding session (should a mentor request this) explaining what we do and how our Mentor community fits within our organisation. We’ll also provide on-going updates to assist you to meet the standards we expect and to help ensure we remain compliant with our regulatory obligations.

2.2 Acceptable use restrictions

You must:

2.2.1. not use the App or any Service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with these terms, or act fraudulently or maliciously, for example, by hacking into or inserting malicious code, such as viruses, or harmful data, into the App, any Service or any operating system;

2.2.2. not infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the App or any Service, including by the submission of any material (to the extent that such use is not licensed by these terms);

2.2.3. not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the App or any Service;

2.2.4. not use the App or any Service in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users; and

2.2.5. not collect or harvest any information or data from any Service or our systems or attempt to decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running any Service.

2.3. Your main point of contact during your time as a Mentor with us is the Prodigy Finance Community Team. They will be able to talk to you about the community and discuss any problems or complaints you may have.

2.4. The Mentor Toolkit will be your guiding document throughout your journey. If you have questions on being a mentor or on using the Community Application, you can contact the Community Team on the Community Application, or alternatively email

2.5. Prodigy reserves the right to take over any conversations should there be issues with the response rate, response time and overall content or tone of the conversation.

3. Data Protection

You acknowledge and agree that Prodigy will hold and process data relating to you for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes (based on its legitimate interests) and in particular to the processing of any "sensitive personal data" as defined in the UK Data Protection Act, 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation relating to you including, as appropriate, your racial or ethnic origin or religious or similar beliefs, in order to monitor compliance with equal opportunities legislation.

4. Media Release Consent

4.1 You agree to grant us and/or our authorised representatives the right to use, reuse, publish and republish 1) photographs/videos of you or photographs/videos in which you may be included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or transformations, and/or 2) your testimonials, and/or 3) any other digital/printed media or correspondence that features your likeness, audio, image and any other identifiable aspect (“content”). You agree that the content may be used at our discretion for marketing, promotional, advertising, or any other related purposes across various platforms, including but not limited to websites, social media, print materials, and presentations.

4.2 You agree that we may use the content in whole or in part, modify it as necessary, and combine it with other materials to create derivative works, without any requirement for further approval.

4.3 You acknowledge that you will not receive any compensation, financial or otherwise, for the use of your content in connection with our marketing efforts.

4.4 To the extent that you have any rights in the content, you agree to assign all your rights, title and interests in and to the content to us.

4.5 You agree to waive any right to inspect or approve the completed products(s), the advertising copy, or digital/printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith.

4.6 You have the right to request the removal or discontinuation of specific content in which you are featured. Any such request for the removal or discontinuation of your content will be processed within one month after receipt of your written request to do so. Ceasing to be a mentor does not automatically withdraw your consent for us to use your content.

5. Ceasing to be a Mentor

5.1. We ask that you give us 30 days notice if you want to stop being a Mentor for Prodigy for any reason.

5.2. If you want to take a break from being a mentor we ask that you notify us 30 days in advance. During this notice period we will not allocate any new prospects to you and we will require you to close off any and all existing conversations. Should there still be conversations or chats open by the time your notice period has lapsed, we ask that you share this information with us on

5.3. We reserve the right to terminate your role as a Mentor with immediate effect by giving you notice in writing (including, without limitation, email communication) of this. We are not required to provide any reason for such termination. For the avoidance of doubt, a failure to comply with our social media guidelines or our legal guidelines or misuse of our Confidential Information may result in immediate termination of your Mentor role.

5.4. Once you cease to be a Mentor you should ensure that your social media profiles are updated to reflect this so that you do not hold yourself as continuing to be connected with Prodigy.

5.5 This document is binding in honour only, is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either of us. Neither of us intends any employment or worker relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.

[The use of the Community Application is subject to the Prodigy Finance End User License Agreement, these rules and Prodigy Finance’s Privacy Policy]